Skills Assessment
What is a Skills Assessment?
A skills assessment of an organizations’ current workforce identifies what skills your employees have and just as importantly, what skills they need. NATF utilizes a two part assessment system that evaluates the employees on both written and on-the-job skills (hands on). It is not the goal of the training program to use valuable resources on re-training mastered skills. The Assessment is comprised of 50% written exams based on the curriculum and 50% “hands on” evaluation.
Who determines the skills required?
The employer! NATF will assist the management team in developing the skill set required to perform a specific job title/occupation. Upon completing the list of required skills, NATF will develop both the written exam and the on-the-job evaluations.
What information is compiled from the Skills Assessment?
A detailed report for each employee is submitted to the employer once the assessment is complete. Each employee has a report detailing skills that are mastered, satisfactory, need improvement, or unsatisfactory. Based on the findings, an employer is able to tailor a training program that meets the specific needs of that employee instead of wasting valuable resources on unneeded training.
What occupations are covered by a Skills Assessment?
ALL! The Skills Assessment is designed based on the job descriptions of your organization. All on- the-job evaluations and written exams are developed based on the specific duties and requirement of your workforce needs.
What are the benefits?
Measuring the current skill level of your existing workforce is critical for assessing any gaps that may exist for your current and future needs. Skills assessments provide critical information for the management to put in place necessary training and development programs. Tying assessments to training programs are a win-win proposition; it provides organizations with a means of upgrading and retaining their valuable workforce, and employees recognize that training programs enhance their job security and prospects for career growth.