Adult Apprenticeship

What is Adult Apprenticeship?


What better way to learn a craft or specific skill than by working with an expert? In the construction and manufacturing trades this person is known as a master craftsman. Being an apprentice is an opportunity to learn from a master all the skills required to become proficient in that trade. Training lasts a specified length of time depending on the requirements of the occupation. The apprentice is paid for the on-the-job training and it covers all aspects of the occupation and includes on-the-job training and related classroom instruction.


What Occupations Have Apprenticeships?


There are more than 1,000 apprenticeable occupations recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT). Occupations are found in traditional industries such as construction, aerospace, and manufacturing, as well as new emerging industries such as health care, IT, energy, and many more. Some apprenticeable occupations include chef, carpenter, child care development specialist, laborer, electrician, welder, plumber, equipment operator, boilermaker, pipefitter, energy lineman, and industrial maintenance mechanic. Apprentices completing their training in a registered appren- ticeship program receive a Nationally recognized Certificate of Completion from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.


Why partner with Registered Apprenticeship?

Benefits for your bottom line—Investing in the future of your employees strengthens their loyalty to your company. Teaching employees new skills and providing incremental raises increases productivity, decreases turnover and saves your company money on training.

Business-driven, customizable program—NATF will work with you to create a customized flexible training program appropriate for your business. Registered apprenticeship programs can range in size from one apprentice to hundreds. As your workforce needs change, we will help you adjust your training program or if required design a new program.

Financial Incentives–By creating a registered apprenticeship program, your business may qualify for state tax breaks or other financial support. Many employers experience strong returns on their investments after partnering with the National Apprenticeship Training Foundation (NATF).

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